MIB hit by rise in claims for uninsured accidents
29 August 2017

MIB hit by rise in claims for uninsured accidents

For the first time in more than a decade, MIB is seeing an increase in the number of claims made following accidents with uninsured drivers.

From 2004 to date MIB saw the number of claims against uninsured drivers reduce by more than 50%, from around 25,000 per year to around 11,000. This is as a result of the continued commitment from the industry, police, DVLA and the Government to successfully tackle the problem. However in the last 12 months MIB has seen claims against uninsured drivers rise by almost 10%.

There are a range of factors that impact the number of claims MIB receives, and can be caused by an increase in people driving without insurance as well as changes in the number of vehicles on the road, the licensed population and effectiveness of enforcement. MIB is also exposed to the same adverse trends that the industry is seeing where members of the public are encouraged to make claims.

Ashton West OBE, Chief Executive at MIB said: “The numbers of claims handled by MIB each year highlights the devastating impact of uninsured driving on communities and families up and down the country. In the last year or so, for the first time in a decade or more, we are starting to see the trend of reduction actually change direction, and we have started to see it increase. We recognise the need to understand the increase in claims further so are currently undertaking a piece of work to explore what impact this could be having. Ultimately our message is the same as always – if you are driving without insurance you will get caught.”