Multiple checks on askMID?

If you're a solicitor, company or public authority who needs to complete multiple checks on askMID which links to Navigate – the new home for MID then you can submit a request for an askMID account.

askCUE PI service

It is a statutory requirement that solicitors check the claims records of prospective clients before taking them on.

This is done using the new askCUE PI service, which checks the CUE (Claims and Underwriting Exchange) personal injury database for records held about the claimant. The service aims to help reduce fraud by encouraging solicitors to identify and challenge repeated claimants. It has been created to meet the needs of the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents (the RTA Protocol).

The Claims Portal

Using the askCUE PI service, solicitors and claimant representatives can quickly and easily access the Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE) to see what personal injury records exist. The CUE PI reference number must then be included in the claim notification form, which the solicitor submits using the Claims Portal.