How are we funded?

Every Insurer underwriting compulsory motor insurance is obliged, by virtue of the Road Traffic Act 1988, to be a member of MIB and to contribute to its funding.


A company limited by guarantee

The Motor Insurers' Bureau is a company limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 412787 (VAT number 991 2548 92) whose registered office is at Linford Wood House, 6-12 Capital Drive, Milton Keynes MK14 6XT.

MIB Services

The MIB Group consists of the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) and subsidiary companies Tracing Services Limited, MIB Management Services Limited and MIB Portal Services Limited.

Through these subsidiaries, in addition to managing CUE (Claims and Underwriting Exchange), MIAFTR (Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud & Theft Register) and the Claims Portal, we also provide management services to the Employers’ Liability Tracing Office (ELTO) and support services to the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB).

Our standards of achievement

With Chartered Insurer status and as a signatory to the CII Aldermanbury Declaration, the Bureau has made a demonstrable commitment to high standards and professional development.

Our Investors in People (IiP) accreditation and membership to the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) signifies that MIB recognises the importance of learning and development to achieving corporate objectives through investment in our people.

We are committed to protecting the data assets we have been entrusted to manage, at the same time as enhancing our attention to security across all areas of the business, supported by good processes and trained people. The organisation is proud to have been formally recognised and certified against the ISO27001 information security standard.

Our promise to you

We promise to deliver a prompt and fair service to everyone we deal with.

The services provided by the MIB Group all aim to achieve our mission and are carried out to a standard which reflects our core organisational values.

We always aim to treat our customers with respect.  We will be open, honest and fair in everything that we do.

You can expect that we will:

  • Respond promply to customer enquiries
  • Aim to provide the highest level of customer service
  • Make reasonable adjustments to accommodate disability.

Complaints and feedback

If you would like to tell us how we have done or perhaps make a complaint, you can contact us in a couple of ways:

For online MIB claims:
Please log into your account and send us a digital message by selecting the ‘complaint’ tab from the options available. If you are having difficulties accessing your online claim, please email the support team at

For all other feedback on MIB services:
Please email us at

Alternatively, you can write to us at the address below or call our main telephone number to speak to us.

Telephone:  01908 830001

Motor Insurers’ Bureau
6-12 Capital Drive
Linford Wood
Milton Keynes
MK14 6XT

More information about our complaint’s procedure can be found here.