Police seize the UK’s 1.5 millionth uninsured vehicle as drivers continue to flout insurance laws
25 July 2016

Police seize the UK’s 1.5 millionth uninsured vehicle as drivers continue to flout insurance laws
  • Tough crackdown by police on uninsured drivers has seen rise in road-side seizures
  • Over 500,000 uninsured cars seized in the last four years
  • However, an estimated one million drivers continue to drive without insurance in the UK

MIB (Motor Insurers’ Bureau) has confirmed that the UK’s 1.5 millionth uninsured vehicle has been seized in Haringey, North London.  The 23 year-old male was caught by the police driving his Vauxhall Corsa without insurance.

The number of police seizures of uninsured vehicles has risen by 4% over the last year, with 121,000 cars being seized in 2015 compared to 116,000 in 2014. Police have recorded 72,000 seizures so far this year*.

In 2005 police were granted powers to stop and seize uninsured vehicles. Using ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) the police can quickly detect those vehicles being driven without insurance. MIB also provide a helpline for officers to call to ensure any changes in insurance status are given to the officer.

MIB holds and manages the records of approximately 37 million vehicles on the MID (Motor Insurance Database) on behalf of insurers.

Superintendent Paul Keasey, Chairman of the National Roads Policing Intelligence Forum, commented: “Our working partnership with the MIB is excellent and it is constantly evolving.        My message to members of the public driving without insurance is quite simple. Don’t. You are running a dangerous gauntlet that could see you lose your car or worse.”

For those driving without insurance, when caught, the consequences include six points on their driving licence, £300 fixed penalty fine and seizure of their vehicle. It’s estimated that 30% of vehicles seized without insurance are crushed.

Despite continued efforts by the police to crackdown on offenders driving vehicles without insurance, there are still an estimated one million uninsured vehicles in Great Britain, meaning that one in every 38 vehicles on the road is uninsured.  

Neil Drane, Head of Enforcement Services at MIB said: “MIB has long supported and remains committed to working with the police to reduce the number of people driving without insurance and to raise awareness of the impact of uninsured driving. The fact that the police have seized their 1.5 millionth vehicle for no insurance shows the progress that has been made so far and we will continue to work together to tackle the issue.” 

*Recorded Police seizures from 1 January to 30 June 2016